Expert Gate Fabricators and Automation Specialists

We specialize in custom and general metal fabrication, gate fabrication and gate automation.

Manufacturing Excellence

Leading the industry with high-quality iron and steel products.

gate automation

Recognized for our dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Country Wide Reach

Proudly serving clients in N.Ireland and Ireland with our top-of-the-line products.

Efficient Service

Fast turnaround times and innovative solutions for all projects.

Welcome to Mulholland’s Contracts

Experience Quality Manufacturing

Discover Mulholland Contracts, a reputable and trusted company in the steel manufacturing and automation industry.

Our Diverse Portfolio

At Mulhollands Contracts, we specialize in steel manufacturing and gate automation. With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we are able to provide top-quality products that meet the unique needs of our clients.

Trusted by Leading Brands

Over the years, we have established a strong reputation for delivering reliable and high-performing products.

Our Services

Customized iron and steel production according to your specifications.

Customized Design

Our team of experts will work with you to create a unique design that meets your specific production needs.

Efficient Production

We use the latest technology and equipment to ensure efficient and high-quality production of your custom iron and steel products.

Strict Quality Control

Our strict quality control measures ensure that your custom iron and steel products meet the highest standards of excellence and durability.

Clients Served


Products Manufactured


Environmentally Friendly Solutions

On Request



Our Reputable Clients

At Mulhollands Contracts, we pride ourselves in providing our services to a diverse range of clients in industries such as construction, automotive, and many more.

Get In Touch With Us Today


Discover Our Manufacturing Expertise